A field containing currency amounts (data type curr) must be assigned to a reference table and a reference field. Explain?
Can we create a Table Without a Primary key?
in which situation we use user-exits and badi's?? with example
What is collect statement?explain with example?
how to caluclate sub total of some specific fields ? Ex 1 a 2000 2 a 324 3 b 3245 i want total of all a's ,,, please dont use collect
Explain what are the different functions used in sap script? What are the parameters used in each function?
What is user specific parameter?
what is difference between set screen and call screen ?
what is difference between MOVE and MOVE-CORRESPONDING?
difference between batch input and direct input and call transaction ?
what is use of tcp/ip in real time for abaper??
allinterview.com site is good for interview preparation or not?
What are the uses of interactive reporting?