What are conversion routines? : abap data dictionary
what is diffrence subroutine in report and subroutine in script.....
what IDOC's will have and respected tables to out them?
What are the methods of interfacing to SAP
How to Split one delivery into many ( Step by Step)?
How many default tab strips are there?
What is the BAPI to retrieve data for list of customers and thier sales areas i.e., Customer No, Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, and Division. For all the customers.
Types of internal table? how do u decide which type u have to use?
How many main windows can create in Scripts?
What are the different methods of bdc? : abap bdc
loop at itab. select matnr from mara into table itab upto 10 rows. endloop. will it work?
Explain the function module in bdc?
what is meant by ale configuration? what can u do in ale configuration?