What is the function of a domain?
what is the difference between the transaction... VD01 and XD01???
What is the diff between database view and maintenance view?
What is ABAP query?
The max number of calling modes stacked at one time is?
What is the function of the transport system and workbench organiser? : abap data dictionary
how to copy standard sap program to z program
which method is suitable for call transaction asynchronous or synchronous
What are the diferent types of internal table available? How can we know the size of the internal tables?
i have to fetch the data based on non primary key field from a pooled or clustered table, but for pooled and clustered tables we can't create secondary index then to achieve the performance what to do?
What are the different types of abap/4 programs?
When would you use a BAPI rather than an IDOC
what are the differences between SAP R/3 4.7 and ECC 6.0 from ABAP Point of view?