what are the two methods of modifying sap standard tables ?
how is data transported from module to program?
what are parameters of DDCinsert fun module ?
There is a Database Table of Student Details with Fields Student Id, Student Name, Class ID and Rank. Now how to fetch the first three students with highest ranks from all Classes.
if we are inserting record in BDC,if poweroff how can you know how many records inserted?(poweroff yourside)
one client needs material description more than 40 chars so how can we extend because in standard table material descp is of 40 chars only
In Interactive Report : How to come from Secondary List 10 to secondary list 4? what is the Program code?
what is ECC in current version of sap r/3 ECC6.0. what is full form of ECC6.0?
82 Answers Bhushan Power Steel, Cremica, HP, JPMorgan Chase, Keane India Ltd, Tyco, Unilogic Software, Value Labs,
What is the syntax for call transaction? : abap bdc
In the windows NT environment A-gate and w-gate are connected via which protocols?
How many interactive lists?
In Sapscript , For example : I want to define font in Arial? And that font is not available in my system ? how can i get this font into my sapscript?
where are the system fields stored?