What is the function module to popup contents in the internal table?
What is evaluation path, where do we do it and why? : sap abap hr
What is the meaning of table buffer? This buffer is used by which type oftable?
why we are using pgm RSTXTRAN?
Pls tell me, we r using at line-selection,at user-command and at pf-status for generating the secondary list in report then what we will use in ALV for generating alv list. pls tell me what r the important thing to read in alv for interview purpose.
In the performance standards we have SE30 for Run time analysis where it will show the system count,abap count,data base count if it is more than means then what we will do let us take my abap count will be some 30% and data base will be 60% and system count 50% now what i want to do
if there is no top-of-page event in reports then what happens?
What is the syntex used to call a screen as dialog box (pop up)?
What is the meaning of client independent?
Steps of creation of IDOC
what is the difference between interface and global diffinations in smartforms?
What is an “on request field” statement?
What is an index ? Types of index and there uses ?