What is the meaning of table buffer? This buffer is used by which type oftable?
what is the difference detween EDI AND ALE?
How can a lock object be called in the transaction?
what are the differences between scripts & smart forms?
loop at itab. IF <cond>. Continue. Endif. Endloop. If continue triggers what will happen, it comes out of loop and endloop for further loop pass or just comes out of IF and Endif.
what are the events of table maintenance generator?
What is Transactional based Application & Role based Application?
What does an exec sql statement do in abap?
wat is the difference between A-gate & W-gate?where are they used?
how to debug user exits?
What are the Synchronous and asynchronous methods in bdc ?
6)what are the table controls in BDC ?
how many types of idoc'c?