Why is pretty printer user in abap?
What are the parameter types for a method?
How to run a report in background??and if we try to run in foreground it says"this report sud be run in background".what can be done in this case?? 2-And how sud we stop a report running in background??
how to process the idoc?
Explain how to create any functions? How to go about it?
what is the difference b/w linear search and binary search? (how can these search)
15 Answers HCL, IBM,
We execute the BDC program in foreground and got list in C drive. If the same program we can execute in back ground what happen?
where u can find out the check table?
How is the command suppress-dialog useful?
Explain data dictionary in abap?
How can we set the tablespaces and extent sizes ?
Suppose in the BDC call transaction we updated one record into the database. In the message log it is showing successful, but it was not updated into the data base? How can we handle?