Define the various contents of technical specifications ?
write the program for prime numbers between 1 to 1000
Control Break statements- At new...endat.
How do you import pay scale data from non sap to sap? : sap abap hr
Advantages and disadvantages of different types of bdc's?
What are the types of records that are transferred to sap r/3 and used by interfaces? : abap bdc
How to read 5th record from Hash Internal Table?
Difference between Field groups and internal tables?
what are diffrences between user-exits and customer-exits?
Can anyone done BDC/LSMW/BAPI for F-02 and F-04.If yes let me know the processs
What is erp? : sap abap hr
what is a field symbol?
List the events in abap/4 language?