what is a field symbol?
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Answer / malathy
A field symbol is a pointer you can dynamically assign to a
field. after assignment you can use the field symbol
anywhere in your program in place of the actual field name.
Use the field symbol statement to define the field symbol
and use assign to assign a field to it.field symbols name
must begin and end with an angle bracket.
Here is an example program.
Data : f1(3) value 'ACD'.
field-symbols <f>.
Assign f1 to <f>.
write <f>.
<f> = 'ghh'.
write f1.
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Answer / guest
Field symbol does not phsically reserve a space for a
field,but it points to the field which is not known untill
the run time of the program.It's closely related to pointer
conept in C.
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2 Table Maintenance generation & validation using events Create table lets say ZXXXX hold Object Locations. Field key data element Type Length Dec text MANDT x MANDT Clnt 3 0 Client ZCTRY x LAND1 Char 3 Country Key ZOLOC x ZOLOC Char 15 Object Location ZOLOC20 ZOLOC20 Char 20 Object Location short text ZOLOC40 ZOLOC40 Char 40 Object Location long text ZAWSYS LOGSYSTEM Char 10 Logical System ZSTREET AD_STREET Char 60 Street ZSTREET2 AD_STRSPP1 Char 40 Street 2 ZPOSTAL_CODE AD_PSTCD1 Char 10 City postal code ZCITY AD_CITY1 Char 40 City ZCOUNTRY ZLAND Char 3 Address Country ZOBJ_SIGN ZOBJ_SIGN Char 10 Object Sign ZREF1 ZREF1 Char 10 Reference 1 ZREF2 ZREF2 Char 10 Reference 2 ZREF3 ZREF3 Char 10 Reference 3 ZREF4 ZREF4 Char 10 Reference 4 ZNOTE1 ZNOTE1 Char 20 Note 1 ZNOTE2 ZNOTE2 Char 20 Note 2 ZCREAETDATE CREATEDATE Dats 8 Creation/Change Date ZCREATETIME CREATIETIME Tims 6 Creation/Change Time Create a table maintenance generator for ZXXXX. Create two events in Table Maintenance Generator: - To update the filed value SAP in ZAWSYS and creation date and time - To update change date and time after saving the entry Event ‘21’ – At Create: ZXXXX-ZAWSYS = SAP. ZXXXX-ZCREATEDATE = sy-datum. ZXXXX-ZCREATETIME = sy-uzeit. Event ‘01’- After Save ZXXXX-mandt = extract+0(3). ZXXXX-zctry = extract+3(3). ZXXXX-zoloc = extract+6(15). ZXXXX-zoloc20 = extract+21(20). ZXXXX-zoloc40 = extract+41(40). ZXXXX-zawsys = log_sys. ZXXXX-zstreet = extract+91(60). ZXXXX-zstreet2 = extract+151(40). ZXXXX-zpostal_code = extract+191(10). ZXXXX-zcity = extract+201(40). ZXXXX-zcountry = extract+241(3). ZXXXX-zobj_sign = extract+244(10). ZXXXX-zref1 = extract+254(10). ZXXXX-zref2 = extract+264(10). ZXXXX-zref3 = extract+274(10). ZXXXX-zref4 = extract+284(10). ZXXXX-znote1 = extract+294(20). ZXXXX-znote2 = extract+314(20). ZXXXX-zcreatedate = sy-datum. ZXXXX-zcreatetime = sy-uzeit. modify ZXXXX.
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