What does hide statement do?
with out using chain and end chain how you will do validations
Without writing the event start-of-selection we can execute a report program.Then what's the purpose of writing it?
A report has statements like: top-of-page. write :/. End-of-page. write:/. But the end-of-page is not displayed ?please verify?
How will you decide whether to use implicit enhancement or explicit enhancement?
Hi Gurus, I have 250 records in an internal table, tell me how to randomly delete the each 5th record...i,e 5,10,15,20 like this.
Suppose there is check box along with the rows. The requirement is, select the require check boxes and press a used defined button to save all these checked row data to another table. How can you do it?
Give few names of transparent tables ?
Does sap handle multiple currencies?
Among the Call Transaction and Session Method, which is faster?
wat is EDI Administration & EDI Administration procedure?
one time loading 10000 records?
Explain chain end chain?