How can we declare a table control in the abap/4 program?
What is an “on request field” statement?
You have written a program for displaying a report on the screen. It is working fine and is displaying the report on the screen. now I change the resolution of my system and again I run the same program. what will be the output?
What are client dependent objects in abap/sap?
Can we use instance attributes inside a static attributes? say yes or no ?
1 Answers Accenture, Cognizant,
What are the Steps for ALE Configuration in Real time Senario.
What is Field symbol?
What is the disadvantage of a call by reference?
what is Deep Structure?
5 Answers Cap Gemini, TATA, TCS,
What is functions and transaction code
I want to give a input/output field on list , where can I define it?
If I want to execute a bdc program only in background not in foreground is there any option for this? : abap bdc
How will you do implicit enhancement?