What is asynchronous and synchronous update?
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How to make changes in standard script for sales order header data?
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What are the functional modules used in sequence in bdc? : abap bdc
can we create secondary index for views?
1)you are creating the table and with EmpID, Lastname and Zender(Male and Female) only the Male and Female data only should entered other data should not entered.
What are the components of sapscript?
which is not a table?
what is DATA ,TYPES,PaRAMETERS called in ABAP terms?
in bdcsome times we get the ok code for "enter" wrongly instead of '/00'.what is the reason.how we can exceed this problem.
CAN ANY ONE TELL ME What is the use of fallowing structures 1)BDCDATA 2)BDCMSGCOLL
Program lines for the radio button selection and unabling some input variables in section screen