What is the different between template and a table?
what is the use of functions
What is the use of f4if_shlp_exit_example function module ? : sap abap data dictionary
What is the structure of bdcmsgcoll? : abap bdc
why SAP script is clint dependent and smartform is clint indepedent ?
im thinking to do sap course ....before doing that there shoud be any course to complete
Explain what are the problems in processing batch input sessions? How is batch input process different from processing on line?
what is use of sap script text file header?
IF transport where u can create req no for sctipts?
What is kernal badi? What is the difference between classic badi and kernal badi ? What is the advantages of kernal badi?
2 Answers Accenture, HBL Power Systems, IBM, Yash Technologies,
what are the steps in oops alv reports?
what is meant by LUW?(Both at database level and screen level)?
What are the different buffering methods?