What is the latest release of sap transportation management? : transportation management
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How the Plant Determination is performed in SD?
What are the Steps in consignment processing?
sd validation of advance payment. eg sales order(1234) raised on 14 jan 2012. validity of sales order is 30 jan 2012 advance paym should receive before 25 jan 2012 any payment against this order should not be received after 26 jan 2012
How can you go for billing?
if the client logon screen deleted, requirement is urgent? then what can we do ?
Hi Gurus, Hope all is fine. I need help in one of the issues in SAP SD. Here is the scenario which we need to configure for our client I want PO number available in biling documents, Few of my clients customer will only pay if their particular name or Purchase order number is mentioned in the billing document. Customer(Sold to Party)- XXX Name of the Accounts Payable - MR YYYYY. Once the accounts payable name will be there in the billing, then only the the money will be released. So they have to configure such thing where in billing their individual names should appear. I have one more scenarios where PO number should come in billing or in Invoice so that it becomes easier for customer to recognize against which PO number the bill has generated. Would request if someone can help me with a prompt response. Thanks and Regards
How do you create customer account number ranges for external assignment?
In SD, if i List and Exclude as part of Listing and Exclusytion what would be system response
can anybody explain about how the ticket process goes?
where can i find all the customers in my company and what is the t code
While creating a sales order i va01,if u will give of sales document type and give sales area and press enter. whenthe screen will come with sold to party, if u will not give sole to party ,system will search for what to ful fill that place.
How can we configure that an all India basis company gives a special discount to the customers of Mumbai only on the occasion of Ganesh Puja on a limited period (customers of rest of India will not receive that discount)?