What is a contract? : fi- accounts payable
what is the asset transfer date? please tel me any one
Suppose i am open with 2 other login in sap.. 1st is normal 2nd with Crm so now, how much session open in same time. But login is not same? but we can access the both login?
What is the direct tax rates for the year of 2010-11? please give me the list.i.e. for configure withholding taxes
how can we get life project knowledge
Hi Where does Solution Manager Client comes into Effect.Is it another Client apart from Development client,Q/A Client,and Production Client. Or where does this comes into Effect.
What is the Chart of Accounts? How to assign the company or companies?
what is auto clearing? and what is use of in real time environment?
What is Down Payment? Can we create down payment for one time vendor or customer it is possible if it is possible explian?
what are all the challenges you faced in project implementation as a sap fico Consultant? & what are all the challenges you faced in ticketings?
1 Answers Accenture, NTT Data, Sona, TCS,
Why doesn’t the system allow you to change the tax category in a version? : fi- general ledger
What do you enter in Company code Global settings?
Why do we create profit centers? What are the key components of profit center? : cost center accounting