How do you create sales organisation?
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Hi guys, I am new to sap sd , I am facing the problems when creating customer A/c with t code xd01, 1. i was created ac group,number ranges and assigned ac groups to no is working ok . 2. i did the partener determination procedure but it is not working can u give clear view of it. 3. when i was trying to create customer system showing partner functions in different language , where can i set language. 4. my main question is when we join the org we are going to do the configu job or what would be our role in sd , ( like we are going to create SO, delivery doc, invoices or anything else) Please guys provide me the clear picture on it bcas i am very confused ( every thing is given by the sap what we are going to do in that ) advance thanks to every body, i am eagerly waiting for your answers.
1. Five steps of implementation with full details.
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There is one legal entity IN10 under which there are 4 different plants 1, 2, 3 and 4. I have maintained plant number 1 in MMR and extended to plant 2, 3 and 4. Now I am creating one contract with plant number 2 however in material master data there is plant 1. with respect to Contract I am creating Debit Memo Request in DMR. However in DMR document i am getting plant 1 which I have maintained in MMR, However I have to get plant 2 which I have maintained in contract. Please tell me how to carry that plant 2 from contract to DMR ( RRB). Is it possible through standard SAP or Should I go to enhancement.
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Hi Guys, i have a interview on pricing and contracts , guys please help me , i want some interview questions and answers on thease perticular areas i need immediately with real time experience Advance Tahnks