What is sales and distribution (sd)?
what is the purpose to differentiate the sales document type?
What is the meaning of Condition Index?
What are the influencing factors for account determination for invoice?
Howmany chart of account we can assign to a company code.
what is the purpose of sales document type?
10 Answers IBM, L&T,
What setting we have to done to apply condition type SKTV (cash discount before Tax)and SKTO ( cash Discount after tax)in a single sales order.and wat is the difference in condition type HD00 and KF00.
What is the difference between VK11 and VK31? Plz explain.
What are the documents Vendor will be sending to Customer in Third Party Sales?
Can anyone please tell me what's above the pricing procedure, what are the field that determined specific pricing procure so pricing determination?
Where do you assign the free goods procedure? Why do you do it for that only?
How are the sources and targets definitions imported in informatica designer? How to create target definition for flat files?
10. What are the steps for end user training in sap SD module?