how many desk top computer can connect to a 25kva 3phase
int a,b ; a=b=10 ; if(a>b){ printf ("%d",a)}; no error output is a=10
Why electricity in India is in the multiples of 11 like 11kv, 22kv, 33kv
In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage,why? can anybody tell me the answer
15 Answers Engineers India Limited,
what is the voltage between earth to neutral in lift.
Wat is the best to use in a generator a 6.5kva or a 7 kw
why HT motors are earthed only at equipment side & for it's single core cable with aluminium wire armoure using?
1 Answers Legrand, NLC Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited,
WE are using a 63A MCCB(SIEMENS MAKE) for one of the feeder in LV substation panel.It is supplying to a lighting & power socket DB.Settings in the MCCB is Ir = 63 * 1 , Isd = 8 times of Ir , tsd = 0.5 sec( I2 t off). Sometimes this MCCB is tripping .But no trip in DB MCB. Can anybody tell me reason ? From where i can know about the MCCB settings?
While testing a ZCT what parameters have to check or measure?
how can decide the current rating of oltc
kVA rating of open delta connected transformer is _____% kVA rating of delta/delta connection A 50 B 70.7 C 57.7 D 75.7
How to derive detailed design of Suitable bus Bar for 100A for 6.6KV?
block diagram of 2 ups system connected in parallel mode?