There are several master data in CO-PA. This includes
characteristic derivation & valuation. You have been asked
to explain the key points of valuation.What are they?
a)Valuation strategies must be assigned to record
types,point of valuation and plan versions when applicable
to be activated.
b) It is mandatory.
c) It supplements and overwrites certain automatically
d) It can contain CO-PA costing sheets, sales order
management pricing procedures, product cost calls and user
exit calls in a sequence that can be customized.
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
How can we make Rebate processing?What is the procedure?
Wat are the Enhancements in SD? When we use it in SD?
Credit check system check which value net value or gross value can these settings be done in IMG
Hello, There.. I am doing job in Havells India Ltd . as commercial officer. i am using SAP - SD module, where i am doing billing. mis reporting work by using T-code: va01,va02,mb52,mmbe and other Etc. so friends please suggest me if i want to apply for job for other company what should be i write for my work in SAP in my resume ? or also let me know how can i find my this work releted job: is there any category difine for this type of job ?
what is the work (job or role)of sap-sd consultant in a cutover activity???
How can we do collective delivery/collective billing?
What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code to sap?
Item category group?where do you maintain it?
How can you dynamically display only the lowest level of accounts ( level six) in a report? Please select one from the given choice below. a)Select a level six account and use the same selection level method b)Set the level to be displayed in the dimension builder account using characteristics c)Set the account filter by selecting the accounts individuals d)Select the account by hierarchy from level five to six
How to change chart of accounts of company code after making several sales orders and delivery?
Can we transfer the nomber ranges in sap sd
Hi SD Gurus, Have you generated any customized Pricing Reports for your client? If you have done then list out all the customized Pricing Reports for your client? Please do not attach much importance to theory and do concentrate more on Business Scenario where in the client was insisting on customized reports rather than Standard Pricing reports? Give detailed Configuration& Customization Procedure, steps, Path, T-codes (if any), Analysis, logic & finally solution to your Client’s requirement along with detailed explanation? Please give solutions with reference to your real time data examples from your client/ Project? This question related to Pricing is most important as it is being asked more frequently in many Interviews? I have interview within 1-2 days? So, I request you to provide solutions to above question as early as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance Regards