1Q.What is importance of sap bi with crm?
2Q. Why do we require marketing analytics
How to integrate r/3 with crm?
What is Blue Print Phase? What does the document consist of?
0 Answers Cap Gemini, Infosys, TCS, Wipro,
Define the function of action profile in sap crm?
how to enhance bp? how many tabs are their in navigation bar? whether sap consultant work on development server or testing server? can we download data from datasets/infosets? how many types of campaign are their?
What is ASAP methodology?
1 Answers Cap Gemini, Infosys, TCS, Wipro,
Can we download data from datasets/info sets ?
What are the uses of service order management?
hi everyone, can someone pls tell me about tickets and pls send me few tickets u have faced in base customization. my id - mnjkk83@gmail.com thanks.
Hey People, Can Anybody kindly send some SAP CRM Technical interview questions to my email id : dishaa.ui@gmail.com. Thanks in advance, Vidya.
plz give me some example of p2 and p3 ticket and tell me and the procedure to solve them plzplz... my email id is kumarcrm11@gmail.com
how to find target group & what is the flow of bp to target group ?
Explain what is ipc?