Explain using drawings what is reverse PID action w.r.t PID
What is the importance of counter based plan & how is it scheduled?
Petroleum jelly is applied to the terminals of the lead acid battery is to prevent?
what is mean by NTPC?,why didn't electric shock in train?
If 100 KAV USP dedicated earth got disconnect / Cut. What will happen at load.
Define CT & its function
Hello friends i am facing one problem in lighting panel. Frequently neutral link near to MCCB is burning(firing. What may be the reason for this one. Please answer me.
hi everybody how to design string combiner box (scb) internal parameters like bus bar and spd (surge protection device and fuse which place to set that,and also bus bar one particular cross sectional how much heat generated and how much power loss tell me Clearly and briefly
why master trip(86) used in eletromagnet?
how to calculate efficiency of voltage and current controlled welding transformer?
What are the testing to be done before the installation of 1000 KVA Transformer?
what is the formula to find Amp. for an 3 phase moter both if H.P. or if kW is known?
In a star-star connected h.t transformer why we use NGR on the secondary (l.t)side.