Hi all. I am ravi. I have a doubt. While creating a sales order,pricing procedure is not defined automatically. What could be the reason. Pls give me answer. Thank Q.
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Answer / mahendra chary
system first check in customer master(xd01) sales tab in customer pricing procedure fild and sales document type OR VOV8 in document pricing procedure field after ovkk assign than system automatically detemind inpricin procedure
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Answer / guest
go to OVKK and do the sales area and pircing procedure
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Answer / vc
It's a simple case of Price Determination
First check in customer master(xd01) sales tab in customer pricing procedure field whether it is defined or not..if not define it as a "1" and then go to ur sales document type for eg "OR" Tcode-VOV8 in document pricing procedure field and after that go to Tcode ovkk to assign your defined pricing procedure along with the basic condition type... then system will automatically determine pricing procedure
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Alternative item can be added in 1:sales order 2:delivery 3:billing 4:Quotation