what is the difference between new developed Zreports and Ztransctions codes.give me example on mm pls thx alot
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Answer / saurabh patil
z are nothing but customized things in SAP be it tcode, report, program, function module whoose nme starts with 'z' and so we as well as SAP system can identify this as a new report/tcode... created using ABAP.
To give example : there is no standard way in which SAP shows open POs. You have to perform multiple steps to identify open POs. Report can handle this in ABAP programming and show those POs and their details in tabular format.
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Answer / surendranath vegi
Use of Z reports
Let : 561 Initial entry of stock - unrestricted-use stock
What are the materials entered into plant, Which has been calculated from the Plant Level
Some times Materials has been calculated by Internal Auditors for that we have to show the comparison what are the materials counted by the plant Organizations and what others counted .
For that we create Z56 :Initial entry of stock - unrestricted-use stock (which was counted by Internal Auditors) which shows the difference from the Plant Organization works and Internal Auditors who came from Head Office.
Regarding Z transaction it was create by OMJJ as per our convenient, By using Z codes lets say as the works has been done through Head Office level (Centralized Level).
Surendranath Vegi
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