what is sales order confirmation and how can do design it in
what is Tcode for the same?
What are the different types of sapscript symbols?
hw to explain scripts? like medruck, rvorder01, rvinvoice. help me, coz my resume is almost prepard bt nt geting confidence to attend interview bcoz i dnt knw hw to xpain few objects
Are their any types in LSMW?If yes then what are they?`
allinterview.com site is good for interview preparation or not?
Are programs client dependent?
How to put page-breaks in smartforms?
What is the master data necessary before you can start posting in MM?
How will you add colour in a row using ALV ?
What is constructor expression in nw abap 7.4?
How can u call a Report from a module pool program?
What is the different type of projects? : sap abap hr
What are the differences between macro and subroutine?