What is constructor expression in nw abap 7.4?
What are the various types of BDC's?
Difference between Read and Get cursor?
what is a ticket?
How do you populate data into a multiple line field? : abap bdc
What is collect statement?explain with example?
Control Break St........i have written At new for customer and in the loop customer came in the 3rd record....weather it'll trigger in the 1st record of the loop or 3rd record ?
identify valid statement when coding a field exit ? a) submit RSCA101X b)MESSAGE E101 C)MESSAGE I101 d)BREASK-POINT
Differentiate between abap memory and sap memory?
What is luw?
How do you differentiate tax for different countries? : sap abap hr
What is the difference between value table and check table?
What does an exec sql statement do in abap? What is the disadvantage of using it?