Why 5kv megger used to megger 6.6kv motor or 33kv
transformer why not 500v?
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Answer / sanjeet kumar singh
Megger is used to check whether the insulation is ready for
bearing the nominal voltage at which the equipment is to
run. Since, a 6.6KV motor is to face the voltage of 6.6KV;
hence it is to be tested with 5KV megger. On the other hand,
if you measure the megger of 33KV transformer with 500V
megger, it means that you are giving the pressure of 500V
only to a system which is claiming to be sustain 33000V of
pressure. Hence, the test becomes meaningless, because you
are giving only 500V to a system which has to bear atleast
33000V. In addition, we should also know that basic meeger
voltage are: 500V, 2500V, 5000V. Above that you have to go
Hi-POT test.
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Answer / praveena k
Slipring induction motor is a heavy motor that winding is heavy voltage carrying
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