How you approach when you find that your process chain take
a lots of time for loading,tell me the step to increase the
loading performance,
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1) change log clean up.
In RSPC > Use process type 'Deletion of request from change log'. In process chain variant options > enter no of days for data in change log to be cleaned.
2)Use RSPC_LOG_DELETE to delete old logs.>> specify the time period for the old logs to be deleted.
3) if "delete index" and "create index" process types are there in process chain then remove those process types and create a separate chain with them.Schedule this chain when the load is low.
4) Check for table space in DB02/DB02OLD and contact basis.
5)Kill the long running backend jobs in sm66/sm50
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Data load has to be checked through RSMO. In which, data
load status to be monitored.
It might be problem with connectivity b/w BI and Source
system or it might be because of data load package size. If
it takes longer than normal load time, then mostly package
load will fail.
For that, data load has to be started manually.
NOTE: Data load mustn't be stopped in middle for ETL
process through PC.
Tocheck for connectivity we use SM59.
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