How to configure Intercompany stock transfer?How to configure
make to order sales?Plz help me.
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Configure Inter company Stock Transport Order:-
Step 1. Material should exist in both the plants (Delivering & Ordering).
Step 2.Internal customer should be assaigned to the ordering plant ( MM -> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Setup stock transport order -> assign the internal customer to the ordering plant and assign the Sales area of the internal customer.
Step3. Assign its Sales area to the delivering plant
Step 4. Assign the document type and Delivery type NB and NLCC
Step 5. Assign the Supplying plant --> Receiving Plant --> NB
Step 6. Take the delivering plant and assign the sales area.
Step 7. Vendor master has to be created and assign the supply source ( Delivering Plant).
Step8. Create a puchase order ME21N ---> Save
Step 8. Delivery VL10 G ---> Calculation rule (appropriate) --> Assaign the purchase order number here and execute.
Select the Delivery creation line and do the back ground process.
Start the log display and see the delivery document number by the documents button
Step 9. Goto VL02N --> do picking and PGI --> Then do the MIGO with respect to the delivery document.
Step 10. Billing
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Answer / shriya
Steps to be fallowed for Intercompany stock . code to have botht he plants a&b under same
code .
2. Sales area associated with both the palnts should be
same .
3. Post same material in both the palnts through MB1C and
movment type 561 .
4. Create a purchase order between plants with t- code
ME21N order type to be NB and movement type to be 354; 301;
311 and 303 and 315
5. Trnsfer the stock from one palnt to other palnt through
MB1B and movment type to be 351.
6. The condtion type PI01 or PG01 should be active in vk13
7. The pricing proccedure should be icaa001 and the
requremnet type should be 22 ( goods transfer from palnt to
This pricing proccedure will be statistical one and is
considered for book of accounts only
8. Create a sales order thorugh va01 and the pricing
proocedure to be RVAAA01 AND CONDTION TYPE TO be pr00 and
requirement type will be 02 .
9. Create delivery using vl10b between Palnt to palnt for
inter and vl01n for intra palnt .
Create billing using iv for intercompany billing and f2 or
f1 for ordinary billing type .
10 . the IV billing type will be statistical where as the
f2 will be mandatory to be posted in book of accounts
MAKE TO ORDER WILL be activated when we do the order for
a particular customer .
Steps :
THE ITEM CATEGORY will be make to order in both basic data
1 and sales org 1
2. Create a qutoation using va21 and a agreement using va31
3. Create a item proposal for the materials using va51 and
the order to be created using va01 with refernce to
Make the delivery using VL01N and also packing if already
specifed .
Do billing for the partial amount using F2 and periodoc
billing type .
The order type will be pv and item category will be PVN
Once the intial payment is made then create a nw sales
order for the item with refernce to the old sales order
and again do the delivery for the same . In all these
deliveries the type of delivery will be partial and every
time billing is to be done for it till the whole payment
gets relaesd . In the meantime if the project cost changes
than the balance need to be carried foorward through credit
or debit meom based on F1
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