dr prakash

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Answers / { dr prakash }

Question { Infosys, 3350 }

how to create new user


1. Execute T-code:- SU01
2. Enter Username which you want to create. Click the create button
3. In the next screen:- Click the Address tab and Enter Details.
4. Choose the user type in Logon Data tab.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 2601 }

what is mean of rebate processing?


Rebates are special kinds of discounts that are going to be paid to the customers. Rebates are accumulated over a period of time based on quantity sold or amount of goods sold. They are treated as “Expense Reimbursement“ when it comes to classification in SAP. They are credited to the customer- payer based on certain sales volume within certain specified time period. In order to configure rebates in SAP, following settings need to be done in configuration settings:
1. Check “Rebate Processing Active” should be activated while defining the sales Organization.
2. Check “Rebates” should be activated for Customer-Payer.
3. Check “Relevant for Rebates” should be activated while defining the billing document type Ex.: F2.

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Question { IBM, 14332 }

How to configure Intercompany stock transfer?How to configure
make to order sales?Plz help me.


Configure Inter company Stock Transport Order:-

Step 1. Material should exist in both the plants (Delivering & Ordering).

Step 2.Internal customer should be assaigned to the ordering plant ( MM -> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Setup stock transport order -> assign the internal customer to the ordering plant and assign the Sales area of the internal customer.

Step3. Assign its Sales area to the delivering plant

Step 4. Assign the document type and Delivery type NB and NLCC

Step 5. Assign the Supplying plant --> Receiving Plant --> NB

Step 6. Take the delivering plant and assign the sales area.

Step 7. Vendor master has to be created and assign the supply source ( Delivering Plant).

Step8. Create a puchase order ME21N ---> Save

Step 8. Delivery VL10 G ---> Calculation rule (appropriate) --> Assaign the purchase order number here and execute.

Select the Delivery creation line and do the back ground process.

Start the log display and see the delivery document number by the documents button

Step 9. Goto VL02N --> do picking and PGI --> Then do the MIGO with respect to the delivery document.

Step 10. Billing

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Question { IBM, 3135 }

How BATCH is determined????


If you check "Automatic Batch Determination" then the batch number will be automatically determine into sales document in line item.

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Question { 3491 }

When is material determination triggered?


Material Determination is triggered when it is lowered than re-order point what we mention in material master record.

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Question { 2957 }

2. What is ticket? Process flow ticket?


Ticket means problem raised by end user when they user the production bi server means live system. Whenever they get any problem in any case they raise that, some call it as issue too but most common terminology is ticket.
When the ticket is posted it will have in different states..new, open and close:-
1. New means ticket is new.
2. Open means some one is working on that ticket.
3. Closed means ticket is resolved.
Ticket will have the priorities low, normal and high depending on the SLA. SLA means SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMPANY AND THE CLIENT accordingly ticket will be resolved.
*High means mostly it should be resolved in 3 to 5 business hours.
*Normal means it will go for 2 to 3 days.
*Low means there is no time bound.

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Question { 4283 }

3. What is ticketing tool? What is SODA?


Ticketing Tool:-
Ticket means problem raised by end user when they user the production bi server means live system. Whenever they get any problem in any case they raise that, some call it as issue too but most common terminology is ticket. We are using different type of Tools for generating Ticket and tracking the Ticket that is called Ticketing Tools.
Ex- SAP Solution Manager, Remedy, Clarify, SODA, OVSD, EARS, Perigrine etc.

It is a Ticketing Tool.

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