what is type group?how to create it and what is the use of
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Answer / ashish
Type groups were based on the include technique, and
allowed you to store any type definitions globally in the
Dictionary by defining them using TYPES statements. The
definition of a type group is a fragment of ABAP code which
you enter in the ABAP Editor. The first statement for the
type group pool is always: TYPE-POOL pool.
After that, you define data types using the statement
TYPES. It was also possible to define global constants
using the CONSTANTS statement. All the names of these data
types and constants must begin with the name of the type
group and an underscore: pool_
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Answer / abaprajaram
type declartions they used for the type-pools for the
dynamic variable as internal table in the program
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Answer / guest
type groupe is the group of user defined data types. go to
se11 and create type goup...
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