what is the difference between condition type EK01 (costs),
PR00( basis price) and PBOO( gross price).can we apply all
the three condition type in single sales order?
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as per my knowledge-
ek01- this is condition for material actual cost that means
after product costing what is the price of mat(productional
proo - this ek01 price+ sales expanses+ profit
pb00- best price of the mat including all type of discount
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Answer / rafiqkhan mohammed
Hi All,
Let me try to make this simple, whether can we apply these
in a single sales order or not I have no idea, but the
functions of these three conditions are as explained below.
EK01 is actual cost condition type, this condition is used
for the sales order costing is first printed to the pricing
screen for the item.
PR00 is a price at which an item is sold to the customer
this is basis for all the other calculations for the system
to start calculations discounts.
PB00 :-Discounts/surcharges and freight costs are
frequently maintained in relation to the gross price (PB00)
Gross price: Price without taking any possible discounts
and surcharges into account.( in third party sales scenario
PB00 is copied from the info record)
I think this clarifies your query.
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Answer / sunil madhogarhia
1)The condition types listed by you are all pricing
conditions. Pricing Procedure is dependent on sales area,
DoPP (document pricing procedure) and CuPP (customer
pricing procedure) and not on particular sales order.
2)Secondly, EK01 which is a cost condition, has to be
marked "Statistical" in Pricing Determination, otherwise it
would get disclosed to the customer.
3)Thirdly, you have so many other condition types that can
and are applied in a single sales order such as MWST, K005
and/or K007 and/or HI01, KF01, etc.
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