How we improve our pricing procedure?
Output with different language is it possible to have two delivery notes in two different languages?
Hi can any body tell me about SAP testing
How sales document is structured?
What are the special sales document types?
Who are called Superusers when it comes to training in SAP ?
Hi All, I hope all SAP professionals are doing well. I am looking for SAP SD training institutes from Bangalore. Please I can't go for SAP authorised training centers as they cost very much I can't afford that much on training. So please advise me the good institutes were i can recieve SAP SD training in Bangalore with more practical and in hand project knowledge. I have experience in Sales and Marketing with MBA. Please let me know. I hope i will get good number of suggestions !! Thanks to all !!
How do you define the free goods item category?
In route determination, should we always have to put transportation zone in customer master manually or it determined by the system?
Where is shipping conditions stored?1
Can We change the account group of customer master?
What is movement type and what are the different types of movement types?
what is document flow? and in which table document flow data wil be store? its a recently asked question from wipro technologies. so pls guide me in detail