what is the difference between copied and derived role?
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Answer / karunakar
copied role we get the all the t codes and org levels what
ever we copied from role , we can make changes in both roles
one will never effect another ,
Derived role , we get the t codes but we did not get the org
levels we have to maintain according to the requirement , we
can not make changes in derive role we have to make changes
in master role at the time of generation we will get one
option adjust derive role .
please correct me if i am wrong
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Answer / pradeep
Copied Role: In this is just we copy the role from existing
role but in further any changes in the role is not effect to copied Role.
Derived Role: It also derived from Parent Role (already existed)to a child role(derived role) after that when we make changes in parent role changes will effect to derived role
that's why instead of role copy we prefer the derived concept.
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Answer / sunil reddy
We can get org.levels from copied role.But we can't get
org.levels from the derived roles
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Answer / sujithkvra
Derived role:
A link exist between Template role and derived role,because of this link any changes to the template role gets reflected to all the derived roles.
Authorizations will not copy automatically from template role to derived roles at initial creation,we should click on copy data button to copy all authorization from template role.
Organisation level values we should maintain in derived roles individually,and will not get copy from template roles.
Copied role:
There is no link between copied role and Base role,so any changes to the base role will not affect copied role.
All authorization data along with Org level values gets copied from the base role at the time of initial creation,we can modify it manually.
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