In SAP Query with out know user that query can we execute?
Which technical field in the BDCDATA table holds the last cursor position
What are vale table check table? What's the difference between the two? Explain with simple example taking table.
can any one tell me the following question's answer 1. How can we create PUSH Botton in presentation layer. 2.How can we print the record. 3.If database has nor records & if we write 'for all entries' in select statement then what will be happen.
How many types of organization data?
how to capture the errors in bdc Call transaction method?
List some of the many different ways that the sap standard functionality can be changed by a customer?
2) What is the difference between TYPE and DATA?
when do you need to create an internal table with header line ?and with out a header line?
what is mean by table control, where it is used? why it is use?
how to copy standard sap program to z program
How to handle errors in call transaction bdc method without using bdcmsgcoll internal table? : abap bdc
BAPI is efficient than BDC? The question is with options, asking which of the following is true?