What are Delivery classes? What data will you want to transport during client copy?
What is ALV?
What is the relation between Badi and Bapi ?
Can you show multiple alvs on a single screen?
hi friends, In smart form how can we convert the decimal to whole no. for ex. i have date like 5.456. now i want convert to whole no. after point value more then 5 means the no should come 6. below 5 means its come 5. any body can help me with code. its urgent. Thanks.
What does an EXEC SQL stmt do in ABAP?
i have a requirement that design window in layout of smartforms but when we print smartforms window should not be printed?
when does end-of-page stmnt triggers in reports.
How can we send data to external programs?
What are screen painter? menu painter? Gui status? ..etc.
please any one can give me the guidence to learn adobe forms& webdynpro technologies?and please provide links goodone to study material to learn? thanks
what is the purpose of BAPI BAPI_CUSTMATINFO_GETLIST What is input and output of this BAPI.
control break statements in ABAP?