1. What is meant by payroll area? What are the uses of
payroll area?
2. What is meant by a control record.
3. What is meant by retroactive accounting?
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Answer / vks
1. Payroll area helps in grouping all employees whose payroll needs to be processed similarly and on the same date. You indicate the Period Parameter and Date Modifier (together they form the payroll area).
2. Control record joins the payroll periods, the payroll area and the retroactive accounting periods.
3. Retroactive accounting indicates the earliest date from which the payroll is re-calculated to adjust any payables/ receivables between the employee and the employer
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Answer / suneetha
control record--it determines the exact payroll period for the exact date.
-it defines the past payroll for the retroactive a/c recgnition.
it locks the masterdata &the timedata to prevent changes being made during payroll run
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / prasoona
The Payroll Control Record defines the current payroll
period and payroll past for retroactive accounting.
It locks the SAP-HR Master Data against changes during a
payroll run, which applies for the payroll past and payroll
present. Changes that affect the future are still
It defines the greatest earliest retroactive accounting
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While processing the salary for the m/o May 2012,the following error is being shown: 1.The salaries have been revised w.e.f 01.04.2012 in the m/o May 2012.Hence the May salary will include the arrear of April 2012. 2.Though the processing is successful, the periods reflected as 917 is wrong .Ideally it should be 246(123*2). 3.T-Code is PC00_M40_CALC Please examine the problem asap and revert https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=5c73645d0a&view=att&th=13787f525b8779c7&attid=0.1&disp=emb&realattid=9a07681551f0b854_0.1&zw&atsh=1
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