what is use of derived roles and where it is used?
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Answer / naresh kasireddy
Derived roles are also called as Child Roles and Master
Roles are called as Parent Roles.
Derived Roles refers to the roles that already exist. As
name indicates Derived roles are derived from other role
(Master Role).
Derived ROles inherits the menu structure and functions
included (transactions, reports, Weblinks and so on) from
the role referenced.
The default authorization values of the derived role are
that of the inherited role. The Org Levels are to be
maintained in the derived Role
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Answer / karun
1.U can change the Org (Eg:Company code,Business area,
Plant ... etc) values in Derived roles only.
2.Derived role have authorization Tab, in composite role no
authorization tab.
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Answer / mani
The role menus are identical but the authorizations for the menu actions are different in the derived role.
• The menu and authorizations of the derived role are identical, but the organizational levels are different in the derived role.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 6 No |
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