What are the differences between release procedure with
classification and release procedure without classification?
When are they used?
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Answer / seenu
release procedures with classsification can be used for
both internal and external purchasing documents,where as
release procedures without classsification can be used only
for internal documents.
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Answer / s.hema sundara babu
release procedures are required for the release of both
external and internal documents.
if we use Release procedure with out classification,then we
can use this for internal purchasing documents such as
purchase requisitions
if we use Release procedure with classification,then we can
use this for internal & external documents such as purchase
requisitions,purchase orders.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 27 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / karthik keane
Two different procedures are available for requisitions:
With classification
With this procedure, requisitions can be released both at
item level (i.e. item-by-item) and in total. The latter
approach is also termed "overall release".
Without classification
With this procedure, requisitions can only be released at
item level.
The two procedures are mutually exclusive (that is to say,
you must decide in favor of one of them only - you cannot
use both).
External purchasing documents (i.e. purchasing documents
other than requisitions) are released at header level. Item-
by-item release is not possible. These documents can only
be released using the release procedure with classification
Requisitions without classification can have Account
Assignment category, Material Group, Plant and Total Value
only as characteristics, whereas in with classification you
can define your own characteristics.
Release procedure without classification is possible for
internal purchasing docs. There you can release at item
level. But for PO we have to release at header level. We
can't release them at item level. So for External
purchasing docs we must set release procedure with
classification. It is not possible to have release
procedure without classification for PO.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 22 Yes | 1 No |
If we use release procedure With clasification:
**With this procedure requisition can be released both at item-by-item and total,depends on the settings in document type.
**With this procedure external purchasing documents are released at header level only.
If we use release procedure without clasification:
**With this procedure requisition can only be released at item level.
**In requisition two procedures are manually exclusive,that is to say ,you must decide in favor of one of them only.you can not use both.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / ka
In short we can say that , release procedure with
classification has got more flexibility in terms of applying
release strategy. So, if the business requires new
characteristics as per business requirement to be applied in
release strategy other than account assignment, material
group, plant and total value then we go for release of PR
with classification to accomodate these customized or new
characteristics in the release strategy.
By going through previous discussions it is very clear that
external documents can only be released with classification
release strategy.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / niranjan
Rel Procedure With Classification>>> Can be used in RFQ,PR,PO,Sub-Contracting,Scheduling Agreements; PR can be released at both Header & Item Level;
Rel Procedure Without Classification>>>Can be carried for only PR; PR can be released at item level only
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Answer / venkateswararao.guddeti
generally release procedure are used for releaseing of both
external and internal purchase documents by purchase groups.
release procedures with out classification means that
release is possible at both item level and header level,in
case of with classification release possible at header
level only.
internal documents like PR's can be released by either
with or with out classifications but external documents
like PO'S and outline aggrements are relased by only with
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 7 No |
With classification-with this procedure documents can be
released at tem level and headr level.this procedure is
used for requisations and external purchasing documents.
With out calssficaton-with this procedure documents can be
released only at item level,this procedure is used for
requisation only.
in requisations two procedures are manually exclusive,that
is to say you must decide in favore of only one of them,you
can not use both.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / jagdeep
Release procedure with classification :- this is applicable
to release any purchasing document at Header Level i.e
Overall Release, we use master data, characterstics and
class for creating the release procedure
With classification for PR, we have option release the
docuement for overall release or item by item Release
Without classification, it is used for PRs where PR can be
released only line item by item
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / naheem
Without classification allows us to release the document at item level as well as header level .
But with "with classification " you can release only at header level .
Any external document ( including PO ) can not be release item wise . So we can not release it without classification.
Suppose you have one PO with two line item . If you allow PO to be released item wise then you release first item and then 2nd item . But the effect will be the vendor would get two PO with same number with one line item each . Its why SAP does not allow item wise release for external document .
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