what are the deliverables in ur blue print?
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Every pahse of implementatio has own deliverables.
phase 1 - Project preparation
1. charter commity.
2. project planning
Phase 2 - blue print
1. mapped organisation structure
2. gap analysis
3. Realization
1. Integration Testing.
4. Final preparation
1. Cut over Data
5. Golive & support
1. support
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Answer / ramaiah
business blue print is 2nd phase in the ASAP methodalogy the
main key delivarable is Business process master list, and
documentation odf client business process.
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Answer / madhusudhan
Hi all,
The deliverables of Blue print is:
1.Business Blue Print: Structure:General settings,
Organizational Units,
Master Data,
Business ProcessProcedures,
Gap analysis.(FDS)
2.Level 2 Training :The traing given by Functional
consultant to the Core/Super/Power/Business process owner
explaining about standard business process of SAP.
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Answer / subha
the deliverables in blue print are in regards
cusotmer master data
business data
trasaction codes
and the g/l accounts and it is a real diffucult one to collect
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Business blueprint
Q & A database
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