When transfer order is used in picking?
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Answer / raghu
transfer order is used when you implement warehouse mgmt
with t code lt03 for picking from warehouse
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Answer / subha
once you have done the delivery confirmation and have
defined routing along with shipment that is when you ahve
transfer ordr . whichmeans that the goods are ready to
bermove from lean warehouse managgement . The t- code is lt01
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Answer / anil kumar
transfer order used in shipping. after creatin a delivery we
need to create tfr order with ref to ware house no, with ref
to delivery doc. tfr or is for picking of goods from a
warehouse,it is optional
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Answer / pitabash
The transfer order is essentioan for controlling the
movement of goods within the warehouse. i.e it has the
date of from and to with the qty within the ware house
So where you have warehouse management you have to use
transfer order for picking.
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Answer / vasu
Once we pick the goods from the Warehouse, means once after
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