What are Pull and Push Methods?
How do you define an internal using types?
What is an update task?
Explain what is the difference between primary key and unique key?
How you can handle errors in BDC.IN the log file what type of error mostly will be facing in real time
What is an update task? : abap modularization
What is difference between inner join and outer join?
how we insert record in to data base table ? how many ways are there what are there?
i have a requirement that design window in layout of smartforms but when we print smartforms window should not be printed?
how can we enable hyperlink in screen painter?
What are the basic components of dialog program?
In ABAP What is the Use of "FOR ALL ENTRIES" Clause & when it is being used. And what it really does?
9 Answers Miracle Solutions, Patni, Satyam,
What is modularization and its benefits?