hi , can any one say what is the exact use of SNC TAB IN
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Answer / siva
SNC is Secure Network Communication. For installing it
requires SAP Logon Pad and it can be installed same way as
we install normal SAP Logon pad. Use of SNC is user can
Logon in number of SAP System Landscape without entering
User Id and password which we do in Non SNC Logon pad. For
this setting we need to update SNC for user in SNC Tab in
SU01 tcode. In that SNC Name needs to update. SNC Name
format is varying as per different project processes. But
most format syntax is <UserId@networkaddress> for e.g
Correct me if there is any wrong in this.
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Answer / prakash
'SNC' used for externally data security
purpose for ex Data Encryption..., may used to store user
credetials in order to by-pass
it depends on the job of external servers configured for
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