what are the prerequisites we should take before assigning
sap_all to a user even we have approval from authorization
controllers ?
Someone has deleted users in our system, and I am eager to find out who. Is there a table where this is logged?
what is use of copy data in derived role and when we use this one ???
How to create a simple or single role.?
What is a niche profile in SAP ?
Hi Experts, can any one let me know the Tables which we use for compliance calibrator & Access enforcer of grc and please let me know the background jobs of grc, Please it's urgent so please answer as soon as possible to these questions , I really appreciate your help, Thanks karunakar
Q6) When do you get a screen for " maintaining the authorization values for org elements " in PFCG ??? (i.e..screen you get thru PFCG --> AUTHORIZATION tab --> CHANGE AUTHORIZATION DATA --> SCREEN FOR MAINTAINING ORG ELEMENT VALUES )
How we do Scheduled jobs in background to cleanup spool request, dumps
User is not there in User master record. Then how to trace the user?
What is the difference between user group in logon data tab and groups tab
difference between business view n technical view?
Hi, Can any one tell me, what is roles and responsibilities for SAP-Security resource in 'Netweaver Identity Management'
Difference between Standard and Manual objects?