i want to block some spaces after end of page in classical
report?how to do that?
What are the two methods for modifying sap standard tables?
what are the two types of request available in CTS?
how to process the idoc?
What are the different methods of bdc? : abap bdc
What is evaluation path, where do we do it and why? : sap abap hr
How do you use tab sets in layout sets?
How to declare an Internal Table?
what is the difference between bdc and lsmw ?
What is the process of project flow n sap?In context to project flow what are the role of an abapper?
How do you set up background jobs in sap? What are the steps?
what is the main main difference between data element and domain? (i know definitions,i don't want definations).
Did u inherit any standard sap programs? what are they? and for what purpose you have done it?