Can anybody explain the what is "OLTP"(Online Transaction
Processing) and "OLAP"(Online Abaytical Processing) in SAP
BW/BI? and also plz explain What is the differences between
those two?
Thanks in advance,
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Answer / hema
oltp -- example for oltp is sap r/ is optimised by
data,write access is possible.contains limited
historical base size is finite.
olap--- example for olap is sap bw/bi.It is optimised by
reporting.Only read access is possible.Contains lots of
historical data.Data base size in infinite
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / ashok kumar j
It Is Exclusively designed for Transaction purpose only,when we use this for analytical process it will have load on data base.
We can Maintain only transactional data i.e current data.
Integration across different modules is tough task.
OLAP:: It is used for analytical processing.
In This we can maintain the historical data.
Integration across different modules is easy.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 0 No |
1.Its a Two dimensional Analysis.
2.We can store the data in a limited Period.
3.Here detailed Level of information is available.
1.Its a multidimensional Analysis.
2.we can store the data more than 5 years.
3.Here Summerised level of information is available.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / shanu
Security Needs in mySAP ERP (OLTP) – Online transaction
•Transaction-based security
•Driven by:
•Transaction codes
•Specific field values
•Which activities a user can perform
•Focused on getting daily work completed as quickly and
efficiently as possible.
Security Needs in SAP NetWeaver BI (OLAP) – Online
analytical processing
•Analysis-based security
•Driven by:
•Different business purpose and goals than OLTP
•Focused on displaying, planning, and analyzing data
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / sadaddin
OLAP(online Transaction processing):
It contains the current data.Any system Supports INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE & SELECT operations is also known as OLTP.Because of "Update" & "DELETE" statements it contains Current data.
OLTP(online Analyitical Processing):Report to Report comparision is called Analysis.Data WArehouse contains current data+ historical data for Analysis is named as OLAP
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Answer / praneeth
IT is a two dimensional table included with ER-model(entity relationship model).here we can analyse only two dimensions.
It is a multi-dimensional table included with 4 schemas i.e,
star schema, extended star schema, snow flake and highbrid.
In bi we can use extended star schema.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
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Can anybody explain the what is "OLTP"(Online Transaction Processing) and "OLAP"(Online Abaytical Processing) in SAP BW/BI? and also plz explain What is the differences between those two? Thanks in advance, Phani
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