What is difference between matrix and grid in sap business one?
we can use init delta with data transfer instead full update. In which scenario full update helpful?
) Why is there a restriction of 16 Dim tables in an Info Cube and 16 key fields in an ODS.
your process chain link with ABAP Program,suppose your ABAP Code need some changes how you do this(your process chain is in running stage)
can we load delta load directly without full load ? how ? what are the steps
If we are Extracting Data From SD Application component.ie Ex:- sales and billing 2lis_11_vahdr & 2lis_13_vdhdr Data Sources.Can I load From These 2 Data Sources to sales overview Cube 0sd_c03.Can you Explain the procedure.
Which property of matrix gives the total number of rows in the matrix ?
Explain core modules of sap business one?
what are the table created when you created a infoobject
What is the difference between canceling the sales order and closing the sales order?
can any one explain end routine...like when it is used...and give an examole.......similarly for end routine..
What is the difference between a client & customer in a SAP BI Project?? Is it same?
What are the limitations of di server?