What happens after PGI
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Answer / pia sengupta
Once PGI is carried out, the following document is updated:
1. Cost of Goods Sold account - Debited
2. Stock account - Credited.
Only after the pgi, the stock is reduced. In the standard
SAP business scenario, the delivery process ends with PGI.
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Answer / debadeep saha
pgi has the following effects
the stock gets updated mb1c
the inventory a/c gets updated
the doc flow gets updated
the delivery req get updated
the billing due list gets updated
Is This Answer Correct ? | 14 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sachin
Effects of PGI
1. Stock qty reduces from Warehouse or Plant
2. Updates G/L Account. Inventory reduces and cost of goods
sold increases.
3. Transfer of requirement eliminates.
4. Creates billing duelist
5. Document status updated
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Answer / subha
Once PGI is carried out three things happen
1. Quantity of materail reduces from SL
2. G/L account gets updated
3. Sales documentgets updated
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Answer / naresh
pgi has the following effects
the stock gets updated mb1c
the inventory a/c gets updated
the doc flow gets updated
the delivery req get updated
the billing due list gets updated
and credit management also will be updated.
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Answer / sanjay
. The system updates the stock quantities as a result the
warehouse stock or plant stock is decreased .
2. The system automatically updates the posting to the G/L
3.The system also updates the requirements in the stock
requirements list.
4.The system then updates the status of the previous
5.Inventory account will be credited and the cost of goods
account will be debited.
biling due list updated
Customer credits gets updated
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Answer / iftikhar ahmed
G/L account gets updated
Does it mean, we can't update price for any item before billing
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Answer / manoj kumar guin
1. The system updates the stock quantities as a result the
warehouse stock or plant stock is decreased .
2. The system automatically updates the posting to the G/L
3.The system also updates the requirements in the stock
requirements list.
4.The system then updates the status of the previous documents.
5.Inventory account will be credited and the cost of goods
account will be debited.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / manoj giri
After PGI do J1IJ for modvat then VF01,then F-30 for
knocking off
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 5 No |
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