after changing some parameters in rz10 and restart,the
system doesn't start up?what to do?
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Answer / lalit rana
When you make changes in RZ10 and save it, before
overwriting the profile files in /sapmnt/<SID>/profile
folder the system makes a file with extention .BAK which is
created just before overwriting the original file.
So incase if you system doesnt comes up after making
changes in RZ10. Just backup the current profile files and
then rename the .BAK with the original file name which will
bring back the old profile status, then try starting the
SAP system.
As a best practice you should always back the profile files
before making any changes to it.
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Answer / deepak
check the old parameters in parameter file at os level trace
the wrong parameter n bring back to old values
else rollback all the new values in profile parameter file
then try to start again
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
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