Suppose their is one sender and we have three recievers.
While generating an IDOC will it generate 3 IDOC's for three
receivers? Please explain in detail how the flow goes from
outbound to inbound systems?
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Answer / venkata ramamohana rao s
in SALE we maintain the Sendor as well as three Receivers
(how many receivers to send the same idoc),
and assign the sendor in sendor system as well as assign
receivers in receivers system(sale-->assignment) three
maintain the RFC destination on sendor side and all
receiver side also (sm59).
maintain the port for sendor and three receivers.
maintain the sendor and all receivers for a same message
type in distribution model.(bd64)
maintain the partner profiles for sendor and all receiver
side also (we20).
execute the outbound program(idoc generation)like BD12 for
DEBMAS message type .
check out the status using we02 or we05.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 20 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / mohammad jamaluddin
you have to follow all the steps of above answer.In this
reply it tells about how process is going on.
while executing the outbound program one master idoc is
generated this master idoc contain record which you are
send to recievers.
Master idoc communicate with ALE, ALE communicate with ALE
Distibution model, this ALE distibution model finds how
many receivers wants to share the record and it generate
all individual idocs to all receivers,this process is
going on in background by the ALE distibution model after
master idoc came to ALE , next ALE will take care of those
individual idocs and ALE service layer sends all idocs to
communication layer.
Communication layer trasport all the idocs to inbound
communication layer.
Inbound Process:
idoc is recieved by the communication layer in inbound
process, this idoc is send to ALE.from here by executing
inbound program record is present in idoc is updated in
Mohd Jamal.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sudhakar
ANS: 3.
TO Be more clear,
The Job of ALE Service Layer is to generates a separate IDOC From the Master IDOC for each recipient who is interested in the data.
Y three ? the same Copy Can send Rt?
- because, Each Receiver may want all data or partial data.
- so the service layer will create no.of receivers record and those records will store in a table.
- Note that Master IDOC is kept in temp memory until communication IDOCS are generated.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / lokesh
It will generate three Idocs i.e three different Number
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / krishna
i don't think so, we will mention the RFC destiantion name
along with the logical system name in Port Defination(WE21)
so wen ever IDOC generates it goes to the particular
logical system which u have mentioned in the PORT
Defination (WE21).
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / giri
in the above answer evry one explaining the processes of generating IDOC but no one is clearly saying how many idocs will generate in OUTBOUND PROCESSING, i.e three idocs or idoc
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / ramesh reddy
Only one master and three communications will be generated in outbound system, because we are sending the same data to all the receivers and port, partner profiles are same in outbound side.
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i was sent 10 records using outbound in ale/idoc 8 records are up dated in data base tables what happend remaing records did not showing error in we02
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hi friends!while sending idoc from receiver side i got msg type 3 and 12.but in receiver side while executing we02,i am gettig the error 'no idocs selected' instead of getting msg type 53.i am simply sending a material from one client to another client.if anybody knows this problem ky revert back.