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Questions / { rammohan }
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Answers / { rammohan }

Question { 5527 }

how to transport query?


By using standard program RSAQR3TR

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { CSC, 9508 }

What is the use of PROTECT and ENDPROTECT?


in sap-scripts what u write the text in between ptotect and
endprotect it tryies to print the entire text in with in a
window if not possible checks another window if possible
print the entire text in that window there also not
possible how text to print in that window is possible print
that much of text remaining will print in another window.


mostly protect endprotect we are used in main window.
first it tries to print in main00 is not possible checks
the main01 is possible print it ohterwise how space is
sufficient print that much of text print and remaining will
print in main02.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { EDS, 7340 }

Types of windows and Difference between them in Scripts


scripts contains the 3 different types of windows

main window
variable(secondary) window
constant window

variable window and constant window functionality both are
same but we are mostly use variable window. this is used
for print the limitation of information if data is larger
than window size how date is place in window that much of
data is displayed remaining will be truncated.

But in main window if data is larger than window the
specified data will place on main00 the remaining will
place on main01 in similar manner up main98 so in main
window we never no data loss .

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 2 No

Question { 4131 }

26) Explain the Importance of each type of window in


scripts contains the 3 different types of windows

main window
variable(secondary) window
constant window

variable window and constant window functionality both are
same but we are mostly use variable window. this is used
for print the limitation of information if data is larger
than window size how date is place in window that much of
data is displayed remaining will be truncated.

But in main window if data is larger than window the
specified data will place on main00 the remaining will
place on main01 in similar manner up main98 so in main
window we never no data loss .

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 8594 }

what is 'at line-selection' and user command?


at line-selection validates the entire line and displays
the secondary list based on 1st list condition means where
ever u double-click on line it validates.

sy-lisel+0(field_length) = .

at user-command validates the function keys to displys the
secondary list based on primary list conditions.

for this we are using sy-ucomm = .

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Question { SAP Labs, 18218 }

What is a BAdi? How to implement a BAdi?


badi is the new enhancement technical based on abap object
Orientation.Badi definitions are acts as interfaces means
Badi definition have the no of methods but there is
implimentation. if u want to implement the Badi definition
goto se19. here we can enhance menu, screen and custom exit
also same as customer exist in procedural oriented. if u
want to create new badi definition go to se18.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No

Question { 15339 }

hi friends!while sending idoc from receiver side i got msg
type 3 and 12.but in receiver side while executing we02,i
am gettig the error 'no idocs selected' instead of getting
msg type 53.i am simply sending a material from one client
to another client.if anybody knows this problem ky revert


Dear can u send ur idoc status in we02

then i will send u how to proceed.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { 15339 }

hi friends!while sending idoc from receiver side i got msg
type 3 and 12.but in receiver side while executing we02,i
am gettig the error 'no idocs selected' instead of getting
msg type 53.i am simply sending a material from one client
to another client.if anybody knows this problem ky revert


Should check the partner profile(we20) In inbound

here should maintain the process code is MATM

Massage type is MATMAS

Mode of dispatch Immidiate

Correct Parter Name

the above massage is only for material purpose if you are
working with any other message type above all are should
changed accept partner name.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { HP, 15319 }

what is the z-transaction??
what's the use of it??


ztransactions are customer(client)specific.

because clint don't know how to execute the Report
(classic,interactive and alv) program, Bdc programming, if
u r develope any forms(smartform, sapscript) and if u r
design any screens in mpool they don't know how to use so
we are create the ztcode for driver program of forms, bdc
program, report programs and module pool programming using
se93 .

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { Cap Gemini, 7925 }

what is a difference between user exist and coustmer exist?


in userexists we are working with access key to modify the
program or enhance our new coding. we are write our new
coding in between function and endfunction. here we can add
our new coding at any place in a program

but in custom exists we can't use access key, here we are
using subroutines for add our new coding and what u want
to add our new code that must be add at end of the existing
one but unable to change the existing functionality.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 7 No

Question { IBM, 17858 }

Suppose their is one sender and we have three recievers.
While generating an IDOC will it generate 3 IDOC's for three
receivers? Please explain in detail how the flow goes from
outbound to inbound systems?


in SALE we maintain the Sendor as well as three Receivers
(how many receivers to send the same idoc),
and assign the sendor in sendor system as well as assign
receivers in receivers system(sale-->assignment) three

maintain the RFC destination on sendor side and all
receiver side also (sm59).

maintain the port for sendor and three receivers.

maintain the sendor and all receivers for a same message
type in distribution model.(bd64)

maintain the partner profiles for sendor and all receiver
side also (we20).

execute the outbound program(idoc generation)like BD12 for
DEBMAS message type .

check out the status using we02 or we05.

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 1 No

Question { TCS, 8418 }


We can implement n no of implementations for a badi.
which badi will be active...


All the implementions of the Badi are activated one by one

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 3 No

Question { Accenture, 16779 }

How to find user exit


1) find out the package using program name.
2) find out the enhancement spots using smod.
execute smod->press f4 and provide the package name, press
enter. find out the list of programs regarding to the
package select the required one and press enter display the
exits(spots) that may be user exist, screen exits or menu
exists, double-click on user exist and and implement our
new things.

go for se81 provide package name vmod.

4) CMOD is for activate spots(implimentation of spots).

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 2 No

Question { IBM, 6511 }

What Methods are using in Perform tuning


in select statement mainntain the list of field of what do
u want to fetch the information from DB instead of "select
* " and mention the primary key in where condition ins.

remove select and endselect statement.


remove the nested loops.

never maintain the select statement between the loop.

remove the move-corresponding statement.

using select single

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

Question { IBM, 9001 }

what is difference between User Exit and BADI


in userexists every exist has only one implimentaion.
in Badis have the definitions, definitions are acts as a
interfaces means one definition have many implimentations.
all the implimentations executed one by one.

in userexist if u want to find out the enhancement spots
for using SMOD and activation for Using CMOD.

in Badis, find out ths definitions using SE18 and
Implimentaion are done in SE19.

Userexists is a Procedural approach.

Badi is Object Oriented approach.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 0 No

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